Benefits of Cross-Over Readings


Grief and the benefits of Cross-Over Readings

Grief and the benefits of Cross-Over Readings

(By Psychic Lucille) 

The death of a cherished loved one, whether sudden or expected, can feel worse than death to the person that is left behind. The process of grief and bereavement will be one of the most challenging processes that you will ever have to go through in your human journey – more than once.

 As a gifted psychic medium and certified grief and bereavement counselor, I use cross-over readings in order to forge connections between the passed-over loved one and the person in grief as part of my grief counselling process. My years of experience in this area of the human journey have brought me to the realization that there is nothing the bereaved wants more than to be able to talk to their passed-over loved one just one more time. I feel honored in my ability to give that gift and make that conversation possible.

 The fact that the person in grief can still feel a connection with their passed-on loved one through a psychic medium, has the potential to change the person's entire grieving process. A cross-over reading with a gifted medium will never take away the pain of a loved one's death or the sadness of missing their physical presence in our lives – but it will make you aware of the connection between you and your loved one. The information that the medium gives you during the reading will offer evidence that the soul survives physical death. This shows us that not only will we always be able to communicate and connect with loved ones on the other side, but also that they will meet us there when our time has come to pass.

 For those who have a desperate need to connect with their deceased love one, where should they go and who should they talk to? It is completely possible to have a session with a medium that has their own shop, but knowing whether they are authentic mediums is difficult.

 Trusting the medium to be the link between you and your deceased loved one is extremely important for a clear reading. The first logical step in connecting with your deceased loved one, is to find a psychic medium that has the skills for this important job. It may be better to opt for working with a reputable service provider that provides mediums and psychic services via phone or chat as these mediums are all verified and trusted.

 Some may be concerned that distance can affect the reading and perhaps make it less accurate. That is not something that you have to worry about. Regardless of distance and time, a gifted medium has the ability to give clear and current readings at all times.

 A cross-over reading with an authentic medium can be emotional and intense and it will be good if you can find some time after your reading to process and ground your energy. One beautiful result of a cross-over reading is realizing that you can find ways for your departed loved ones to remain present in your life. And they are always present with us in the Universal Mind that connects all things – the Universal Mind that we all have access to

About the author

South African Psychic Lucille

Lucille is a Top South African Psychic with 20 years experience. To get deeper insights and guidance, book a Psychic reading session with Lucille 

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