How to attract money into your life


how to make fast money

How to attract money into your life??

1. We all want to know how to make fast money, Stop. Totally stop.Sit down, lie back and close your eyes. Put the world on hold for a second. Or maybe two minutes. Just stop whatever it is that is going on in your mind. It's good to do this just before bed. 


2. Focus. What is going on in your life? What makes you happy? Why are you addicted to pain? Are you plugged into the mass media?


3. Our thoughts create our reality, so if you are suffering a lack of finance in your life it is because you are not paying attention to money issues. You are worrying and chasing money away.


4. Work out how much money you actually need to make to be comfortable in your own living space. The roof over your head, your utilities, clothes, food.


5. Then work out how much money you would need to live a fabulous life - holidays every year, two cars, a swimming pool. 


6. Think about what you would like to happen to your business career. Where do you see yourself in two years? Five years? Ten years?


7. Get yourself a book to keep by the side of your bed and this will be your business book. In this book you will write down the above amounts that you calculated , and then start to list the things you would like to manifest in your life. 


8. Congratulations! You have just implemented the Law of Attraction into your life. 


9. Now you need to ensure that your relationship to money is not fear based. Ensure you that you do not perceive a lack but that you see your bank account as being a piggy bank for the Universe. 


10. Money needs to come to you to be cleansed, because you are going to develop a relationship with money that is very healthy.


11. When you do start to receive the money you have visualised, continue on your spiritual path. Do not become greedy or insolent. Turn back and help others in need.


12. As a business, always use 25% of your income in benefiting others. This came from the advice of a very big businessman in South Africa - Raymond Ackerman who started Pick n Pay. This 25% of giving back really increases the work flow of your business and the Law of Attraction with money.


13. Imagine that money coming to you is money being cleansed as you will do good things for others with it. Attract it, want it and visualise it.


14. There is always enough money for you in the Universe.


Speak to one of our South African Money & Career Psychic Advisors today and let them guide you into a positive sense of prosperity consciousness.

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