(By Psychic Khanya)

Each of us has many friends in the spirit world. They are available to us at all times. They help us to cope with any situation or problem. They inspire us, listen to us, assist in our decisions, and make us laugh. 

Cultivating a relationship with these spirit friends can enhance our lives more than we can possibly imagine. 

Learning to communicate with our spirit guides and teachers can be a long, sometimes frustrating process, but the rewards of diligence, patience, and commitment are truly worth the efforts. 

Meditation is one of the best ways to keep in touch with our spirit friends. Everyday meditative practice is something I encourage. 

Once you get to know your spirit teachers, you must maintain that relationship, just as you maintain friendships with the people you know here on the physical plane. You e-mail and call your friends to catch up with them, the same should happen to maintain our relationships with those in Spirit.  

The more we maintain our connection to them, the stronger our bonds become. 

I have learnt about the following Guides: 

- Joy Guides

- Protector Guides

- Doctor Teachers

- Doctor Chemists

- Master Guides

- Ascended Masters

- Angels 



An old woman appeared in my dreams several years back...she would keep showing up once may be every five years. I never paid attention, until I realised that this could be one of my guides.

I started meditating and inviting her to get closer to me as I would like to know her better. 

Then one day, she told me in a dream to buy a deck of cards. She taught me in that dream how to read cards...may be only five cards. After that dream, I set out to practice what she had taught me. I realised I could read more cards using my intuition.

It took us many years to get to know each other. More than 15 years. But in the end, she taught me something I now cherish as both a hobby and a calling.

This is just one example to show you that Spirit Guides have so much they wish to impart to us...we must just get to know them. 


About the author

South African Psychic Healer Khanya

Khanya is a top South African Psychic and Traditional healer with 20 years experience. An intuitive reader and truth seeker. she cuts through illusions to help people see the truth in situations and advises on practical solutions that support her clients on their journey... to get deeper insights and guidance, get a Psychic reading session with Khanya


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